(13) (13)
(805) 504-3699
We are the most trusted company - a veteran team of committed PC & network support professionals - at your service! Built on referrals and repeat customers we have always provided to our clients the best service possible. We employ only full-time, seasoned A+ Certified repair technicians. From laptop repair, to virus removal, to data recovery - we do it right, on- site!
B. R. —
Scott persisted in our companys unique email and website issues and made everything work and work right. Would use again
When you're paying by the hour, time suddenly becomes an important factor. If the computer repair technician runs into difficulties with the task, he'll feel stressed to get the project completed quickly so you won't have to pay any additional time, and he may make mistakes. Since we are not being paid by the hour, it's in our best interest to get done quickly so we can get to our next appointment.
Flower P. —
Went way over and above what I could have expected. I had a Power issue with my Dell PC. They came over the same day within