Remote office support - If you have remote offices in the Midatlantic, we can be your onsite eyes and ears. Instead of sending out one of your techs, we can go onsite and do the work which cannot be done remotely.
Highlights and features
- Remote Support, Computer Repair & Maintenance, Data Backup & Recovery, Network Support & Administration, Software Installation, New System Setup, Hardware Installation, Virus & Spyware Removal, IT Support
Terry Hudson
Aug 10, 2022
Scott Ruette
Aug 10, 2022
I would like to thank you for coming to my office and helping me straighten out my mess of a laptop. I really appreciated your tutorial. I can learn from "hands on" and remember it, but I need someone to show me first. I have referred you to my good friend George Sterile and he was very pleased as well. Thanks again and Happy Holiday's to you & your family. Regards, Scott.