Tech Brainy believes that in order to truly be a qualified IT expert, you must step up to the table and officially certify your computer expertise. Do not be fooled by lower rates and think that an uncertified technician will not cost you less than using a qualified expert. It has been proven time-and-time again that untrained and non-certified technicians cost more in their offering of bad solutions to home users and small to mid-sized businesses.
They use destructive methods, bill more time and require more repeat visits than their certified counterparts ever would. You know using a professional is of value; you wouldn't take your children to an uncertified doctor or dentist would you? Imagine the potential losses you could suffer, just to save a few dollars!
Highlights and features
- Laptop Repair, Computer Repair & Maintenance, Network Support & Administration, Virus & Spyware Removal, IT Support
PC Repair

Virus Removal

Adriana D.
Aug 17, 2012
I have used Tech Brainy services at my two business locations, Carlsbad and Vista, CA. They are experienced computer repair specialists and really know their stuff. Boris, the owner, is a specialist in computer services, certified by Microsoft. He holds the equivalent to a Master's Degree in computer consulting.
Jay B.
Aug 07, 2012