The past ten years have been very dramatic for all areas of the support arena. With numerous cut-backs from almost every manufacturer. And the out-sourcing of support to other countries has been ramped through-out corporate America. Because of all this, the quality and availability of support have been degraded, if not completely eliminated, leaving many computer owners frustrated and discouraged with not knowing where to go to get their computer problems solved. This is where we come to the picture.
All of us at our company have felt the pain of having to call the PC manufactures just to be transferred 9 times, left on hold for hours at a time, just to speak with a technician that barely speaks the English language and can only speak from a script written for them in their language. The other problems we have experienced first hand, most of the technical support services force you to go through steps that are more then likely completely useless into solving your computer problems. The reason for this is their technicians are reading from a script and are either not allowed to vary from the script of do not have the skill set to do so.
Highlights and features
- Computer Repair & Maintenance, Network Support & Administration, New System Setup, Virus & Spyware Removal

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