We repair and maintain anything to do with a computer or network. Be that anything from fixing a mouse to total IT Support, computer maintenance, repairs, servicing and upgrades. We always offer a flexible approach to our customers needs 24/7!
Remote support is an Internet-based desktop sharing technology that allows DTS to provide offsite technical support. We can either show you what steps to take through screen sharing, or with your permission, we can take control of your desktop and remotely perform tasks. Bottom line if you depend on your information systems to propel your business and serve your clients, then remote support is probably a good idea.
Highlights and features
- Cell Phone Repair, Laptop Repair, Remote Support, Computer Repair & Maintenance, Data Backup & Recovery, Network Support & Administration, Software Installation, Hardware Installation, Virus & Spyware Removal
Computer Repair
Our goal is to provide a complete range of computer repair services. We can resolve software& hardware problems, remove viruses or spyware, supply and install new hardware components - either repairs or upgrades. We build new PC systems to order and can provide network installation and maintenance. Some examples of our many services are shown below. If the service you need is not included, please ask us - we are here 24/7 and the chances are that we can help.
Virus Removal
Network and internet security has become a major issue for both Home & Business users. With an assortment of Viruses, Trojans, Worms and Spyware out there, it is getting harder and harder to protect your computer systems. We can provide you with the specialist assistance that you need, we can implement security solutions that will enable your company to realize the benefits in cost savings, and productivity , that the Internet can bring without exposing your internal systems to attack from hackers, viruses, mail relay and password thieves.
Michael Tita
Jan 02, 2021